constipation ended


Ends constipation by retraining muscles that have been neglected for up to 70 years.

Although this is a natural method, excessive use of muscles incorrectly can cause damage. Please let us how your treatment progresses through 6 to 9 months and what you have achieved. Let us and your medical advisors know if you have any adverse side effects.

 Please raise any concerns you may have with your medical advisors. 

Give your doctor a copy.

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How I got here

I had been constipated all my life and at 82 I thought it was time to change all that. A healthy bowel helps towards a healthy body. Also my wife pointed out that I was starting a little bump.

Having avoided the dreaded bulge so far this was bad news!

I had started by finding a diet which suited me. At 81 I gave up sugar in tea, cakes and fizzy drinks and brought my weight down 6 pounds to my BMI max of 168 lbs. I found this diet quite by accident as I was looking for a way for my wife to control her high blood pressure naturally. Dr. Marlene Merritt published a book showing how weight could be controlled easily by sticking to natural foods and avoiding processed foods and drinks. It is well worth the price and includes recipes and all sorts of help. Fat became the friend and carbs the enemy. Easy, tasty and healthy without any pills! It all made such good sense.

However I was still fighting to keep a waistline. My trouser at 34 inches was feeling tight. What was that bulge made of?


I studied the abdomen on a free Futurelearn course online by Leeds University. The array of muscles was spectacular. I asked for some information on the relative weight of the bowel contents and the structure which supports them but did not get an answer.
It was however clear that there were many muscles in the abdomen but I had been taught by my mother to use just the diaphragm to push for a result.

WebMD website advises:-
Your doctor will also encourage you to take adequate time for moving your bowels and not to suppress the urge to have a bowel movement. Increasing exercise is also important if you lead a sedentary lifestyle.
It goes into more detail at

The most useful was Gutsense who provide this very useful article:-
reproducing the Bristol Stool Chart courtesy of Wikipedia.

The treatment - CLOCKWISE

I started a program which lasted 6 months to awaken the other muscles. When just sitting or standing I would do what I call the 10 second workout. This was pulling my stomach in 10 times and awakening all the muscles in my abdomen. This required great mental effort to start with but became easier as the days went by. I would do this 8 or 10 times per day. The objective is to contract these muscles in a clockwise sequence to stimulate the natural process of the large intestine.

The result

A target I had read was a soft one every week. This shows that the bowel contents have not remained inside too long. This I achieved in about 6 months of the 10 second workout and not missing an opportunity to go.

Afterwards controllable
This routine became a bit too successful and it was inconvenient to go more than once per day. I stopped the exercise and settled at a good once per day routine just using the muscles to circulate the contents when needed. No more hard stuff! No more pushing down! No medicines!

Watch the video and comment your experiences.

There is much work to be done to compare CLOCKWISE with other methods and reveal any disadvantages

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